Enhancing visibility and encouraging enrollment for Rutgers School of Engineering

Enhancing visibility and encouraging enrollment for Rutgers School of Engineering

Project roles
Platform architect
Drupal developer
Front end developer
Career period
Mathematic Arts (2016 and earlier)
Rutgers School of Engineering home page
Rutgers School of Engineering news page
Rutgers School of Engineering calendar
Rutgers School of Engineering departments page

I had the privilege of creating a content management platform for Rutgers School of Engineering and its departments. The aim was to create a new site that would not only encourage enrollment of women, but also showcase student and faculty activities. Additionally, Rutgers wanted to enhance the visibility of research centers and programs supported by funding from various agencies and commercial entities. By utilizing standardized content types and features, we successfully unified the brand experience and ensured that the school’s accomplishments were more easily accessible.

True story. invited Math Arts as a technical partner.